Tag Archives: inspirational doodle

Accept yourself the way you are

acceptyourself-624x416Accept yourself the way you are. This is probably the best gift that you can give to yourself. Making peace with your looks, your desires, your thoughts and emotions. Accepting and embracing your wild nature and unique personality completely and without conditions. Letting go of judgment, perfectionism and criticism. And just be here and know, allowing the real and authentic YOU shine trough the mask that you wear every day to feel loved and accepted by others. Know that it is OK to be you and that by nurturing, loving and accepting yourself you not only allow others to love you for who you are, but you also encourage them to love themselves for who they are. In conclusion: accepting yourself is the best thing that you can do for your loved ones and the world. :)



Grow where you are planted

Grow where you are planted. Do the best that you can, where you are and with what you have. Remain hopeful, patient and persistent like a tree, which grows from the dirt and reaches for the sky. As a tiny seed grows into a giant being – it becomes a living sculpture of invisible power, standing tall right where the Earth meets the Sky.



Keep your heart wide open

Keep your heart wide open. We are here to learn and grow love. Our capability of giving and receiving it is truly infinite, but only if we are brave enough to keep our hearts open. This can be a real challenge sometimes, because of all the suffering, pain and loss we experience thru a lifetime. But life wouldn’t be possible without rainy days and starry nights, right? As Chaplin said “Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born.” We just worry too much, too often and for too long, so we miss all the beauty and goodness that is present in our life – even in the darkest hours and in the middle of the fiercest storms. Remember: there is always something to hold on to. Just look around and search for the rainbow. ;)



Not all who wander are lost

“Not all who wander are lost.” This is one of my favorite quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien. It always reminds me of the importance of following your heart and dreams. Because even if sometimes I feel lost or misguided by my own heart, deep inside I know for sure that everything happens for a reason and there are no mistakes, only opportunities to grow. So I try to be adventures and enjoy the journey of my life without being afraid of getting lost again. I know that going with the flow, being spontaneous, flexible, curious and brave can lead to the greatest adventures. So adjust your sails and get moving! This is how you find your treasure. ;)



Sing a peaceful song

Sing a peaceful song. Wherever you go, always be compassionate and kind. Sing your own song with love and listen to the melodies of others with empathy. Together we can make this world a better place.

