Author Archives: timea

100 Days of Bliss: Week No. 1

I just started my very first #100daysproject. I am going to design & post inspirational quotes every day for the next 100 days. I am moving around a lot these days, so computer art seemed the most logical solution. I hope to get better with lettering and learn more about typography. I think this can be a great practice & also self-motivation. You can follow me on Instagram or Twitter for more updates.







New paintings: Playful & Organic

If you are lucky to have an inner calling, follow it without hesitation. Set you heart on fire, sing from the top of your lungs & stay in love with what you do!

I made a promise to myself that I will be posting more regularly. So here I am typing and editing photos of my recent creations. I must say I had a very productive weekend. I was painting on small 20x20cm canvases. Although I long for working on bigger formats, I don’t have enough space at the moment so as I already had a couple of canvases at home I’ve decided to simply work with what I’ve got…

20x20cm acrylic on canvas

20x20cm acrylic on canvas

It was nice to tap into that inner motion again and just create intuitively, allowing anything to happen. I wanted to create something playful, flowery and organic with free-hand mandalas incorporated. This is how they turned out.


20x20cm acrylic on canvas

20x20cm acrylic on canvas

20x20cm acrylic on canvas

I hope that you like them because I am full of fresh ideas so many more paintings are coming next week. Stay tuned. :)


7 Rediscoveries



It’s been a long time since my last post and I am sorry for my disappearance. I was going trough some tough stuff in my life… Maybe someday I will tell you about it all but for now let’s just say that I needed some time to contemplate, regenerate and somehow reinvent myself. It was far from easy but I am here now, ready to continue my artistic journey and share it with you.

For starters here is a list of 7 things I learned in the past few months or more correctly 7 rediscoveries I made as I was going trough challenging life situations. These I think are basic truths that we somehow manage to forget and need to be reminded from time to time. I hope you will find them useful. Above is a new mandala I created last week: The Oasis.

  1. Good things can come out of “bad” situations and experiences, but you have to look for them in order to find them!
  2. Being yourself is not always easy, but It’s the only way to find people who will love you for the real you.
  3. An important one: Never be too proud to ask for help if you need it. Reaching out is not a weakness, in fact It requires a tremendous amount of bravery!
  4. No matter how impossible things might seem at the moment, you will be able to do them someday. Keep practicing and you will get better!
  5. Look for Love in everything and everyone, including yourself (!). Being able to find Love in the darkest places is the greatest power in the Universe. 
  6. Never stop doing the things that make you passionate and happy. They help you stay focused and happy and they are also very good for your health! :)
  7. Be prepared for the worse, yet ALWAYS hope for the best possible outcome. Miracles happen every day. Allow them to enter you life by believing in them! 

This is it for now. The Sun is starting to shine trough the fog… It’s going to be a beautiful day here in Maribor (Slovenia). May good things happen to you wherever you are!


Timea @mandalafairy


Dear friends!

After a long reflection I decided to take a brake from selling my art. You might have already noticed that my shop is down most of the time and I am not taking commissions. I feel very thankful for all of you who showed interest in my work and supported me in any way.
Don’t worry, I will continue painting and creating, because making art is essential for my wellbeing. And I am certain that a day will come when I’ll be ready to “put myself (and my creations) out there” again.

Thank you again for your love and support. Stay wonderful!


Hold onto your passion

mandala pendant

✿✿✿ BLESSING ✿✿✿

Hold onto your passion.
Let it lead your life.
Keep following your dreams.
And you will be surprised…

Do what makes you happy.
Be brave and speak your mind!
May you dare to be unique,
Stay playful, free and wild.

Timea Varga
Pendant is availiable in my shop.

Transformation is inevitable

mandala pendant

Everything is changing.
May you always keep your faith.
Transformation is inevitable.
Emerge from it with grace.

Every end holds a new beginning.
Darkness is always followed by light.
May you trust your path, accept the change,
Learn, Grow and Thrive!

Timea Varga
Pendant is availiable in my shop.