Limited edition “Fairy Tree” art prints

Yey! Reproductions of the Fairy Tree Mandala are finally available! :) Its been a long journey but it was worth it. The guys in the print house done their work perfectly. Bravo!

The story:

fairytreemandala-timeavargaI started to draw the Fairy tree in October 2012. Just a couple of days before my 25th birthday. It was meant be a gift to myself. I was posting about the creative process on my Facebook page and I received a lot of positive feedback. So I decided to make reproductions available. It was my first time, so I was totally unprepared, i didn’t now anything about printing, except that I want great quality. Oh and I already heard something about Glicle – but I had no idea on which tree it grows…

It took me a month to finish the original mandala and then I started to search for printing options. I found a couple of print houses in the town where I live and I gave them a try.

In the first print house they had no idea how to make reproductions. They made a few prints, but the quality was so poor that I trow them away. So the next day I visited one of the “best” print houses in town… Gush they were so arrogant and expensive. It was so shocking, that I remember crying when I came home. It just wasn’t an option that I could afford. Beside that I painted this mandala with so much love that I didn’t want the reproduction to be made in an environment with such “negative” energies.

So I continued to search and I found another print house. They photographed the original and made several test prints, but they couldn’t make a good match. At least they were willing to help and they tried so hard to make it right, that I feel thankful for their effort even if they didn’t succeed.

The whole situation seemed so hopeless, but I didn’t want to give up. So I broaden my search to Europe and finally found a print house in Budapest (about 400 kilometers form my home). They offered high quality scanning and fine art reproduction for a reasonable price. So I contacted them right away and made an appointment. The only problem was that Christmas holidays were near, so we had to wait till January. Then January arrived with heavy snowing so I had to make another appointment – February the 8th.

My dad went to Budapest, because he attended a 4 day workshop on New German Medicine. He took the Fairy Tree together with 5 other mandalas with him and visited the print house. In 4 days they have done an excellent job and I finally got the reproductions I wanted.

About the prints:

The pieces are printed on archival paper with Glicle technique and they are the same size as the original (19″x14″). A limited edition of 99 fine art prints will be available of the Fairy Tree mandala. Right now I have 3 pieces on stock. If you would like to order one please contact me or visit my Etsy shop.

Read more about the Fairy Tree mandala.

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