Mandala Logo Design

Mandalas were used throughout history for different purposes: magical and healing rituals, blessings and offerings, prayer and meditation or simply for decoration. They are powerful objects as their circular shape represents unity, perfection, wholeness and the pattern of life itself – an enchanted wheel, infinitely moving forward trough space and time.

A circle is a symbol of perfection and completion. When used as a logo it indicates excellence, holistic approach, knowledge, growth and harmony.

I design mandala logos for individuals, NGO-s and private practices of all kind. You can get a quote here.

Client testimonials:

I am thrilled with the design. I really couldn’t be happier. It’s perfect :). I really appreciate all the effort you’ve put in and all the extra little changes you made. – Kylie Boyd, Living Life in Colour

Thank you for all of your help, you have created something very beautiful, and I am proud to have your work represent my own! – Penny Kaczmarek, Alight Wellness

I am so happy to have found you. We talk the same language of mystery magic fairy, angels and water. I love the turquoise and design of the name, very feminine and soft. Your lines are beautiful. Drawing beautiful. Letters gorgeous. – Beverley Blass, BevAni

Fantastic services provided and I am thrilled with end result thank you Timea. – Kerry Ogden, Kocoon Retreat


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