Welcome to the all new timeavarga.com!

I am thrilled to announce that my website finally got a complete renovation and I absolutely love it. It’s clean, simple, bright and responsive. All I ever wanted it to be! Hope you like it as much as I do!


What’s new?

Full screen galleries: You can now watch images in full screen mode by clicking on the fullscreen-128 icon in the top right corner of each slideshow.

Improved readability: The texts are now arranged into columns which makes them much easier to read.

Mobile friendliness: Timeavarga.com is now fully responsive and it automatically adopts to any screen size.

Blog & news: I moved my blog from mandalafairy.com here for two reasons:

  • This website has more visitors and this way more of you can enjoy my occasional writings.
  •  Mandalafairy.com is also waiting for a complete renovation later this year and it will serve as a business website.

Social buttons: The social buttons with links to my profiles can be found in the left bottom corner of my website. You are welcome to join me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Terms of service: I receive lots of mail regarding the use of my images on websites, logos, tattoos etc., so I put up a page where I explain how can my artworks be used. If you are unclear whether the use you have in mind is permitted, please contact with a description of intended use. I’ll respond as soon as I can.

No cookies: I got rid of every functionality (like Facebook like-box) which used third party cookies. So Timeavarga.com is now a cookie-free website. I don’t collect any of your information.

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