2014 Spring arrivals


I find the sunny days of early Spring very inspiring. I can sit for hours in the sunlight – beading or making new mandala patterns. Although I am super busy with other work I keep finding those magical moments when I just let go of everything and do what I enjoy doing the most. These moments are precious, because they make life seem unbelievably beautiful and also help me recognize how everything is being connected and perfectly balanced.

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to find time for my painting too, because there is a very beautiful mandala waiting to be finished…. Until then here are my new creations:


You can find the necklaces in my  Etsy Shop.


With natural stones, pearls, Swarovski elements and a little fairy magic. ;)


Perfect gift for artsy, color loving girls to lighten up their rainy days. Available in my Etsy Shop.


With colorful Spring wishes,


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