The earth smiles in flowers…

It’s been a while since I last updated my website. I’ve always been a lousy blogger and I don’t think I can change. Simply because I often begin writing something but then decide to keep it to myself. And secondly because I rarely take my phone with me. Yeah this might sound strange, but I like it that way, although it has the disadvantage of me not being able to capture when something interesting happens, or when I witness a miracle of nature……well not with my phone, only with my heart and soul. And this is enough for me.

Anyway I wanted to share one of my newest artworks: The Earth smiles in flowers.


It is a small painting (20x20cm acrylic on canvas). The background is black with antique gold, which reflects the light nicely.


It reminds me that there is always time to be playful and creative. And if you step out of your tiny frame and follow your heart just a little bit, beautiful things will happen and joy will embrace your Soul.


The original will be soon available in my Etsy shop.

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